The St Mary MacKillop College community is inclusive and acknowledges that we are all made in the image and
likeness of God and we are created in love. People of all faiths, genders, sexualities and cultures are therefore
respected equally in our community.

Students are at all times representatives of the College and its values. As such, students are expected to wear their uniform with pride, and according to the College’s standards of presentation, including in public spaces, and travel to and from school. This requires individual attention to cleanliness and good hygiene, neat and tidy personal grooming and the correct wearing of the College uniform.

We ask that all parents and guardians embrace our College uniform and the role it plays in your child’s day-to-day life at St Mary MacKillop College. The Uniform Policy is consistent with our College Vision and Mission Statements.

College uniform is compulsory. Students out of uniform are required to bring a note from home on the day and obtain a uniform pass from the Pastoral Care Centre.

Formal Uniform
Students must wear uniform items from this list. Students may wear the chosen items to suit their gender, personal comfort level for the temperature,
and scheduled school activities.

❖ Dress of white, maroon and blue plaid, hemmed to no more that I 0cm above the knee.
❖ College ‘MacKillop’ tartan skirt, not to be rolled up and worn to mid-knee.
❖ Grey shorts (male/female cut).
❖ Grey trousers/pants (male/female cut).
❖ Hounds tooth, long-sleeved, collared and buttoned shirt/blouse.
❖ Hounds tooth, short-sleeved, collared and buttoned shirt/blouse.
❖ Blue cool weave polo shirt with College logo (Year 7 & 8 only).
❖ College jumper.
❖ College soft shell bonded jacket (can be worn without the College jumper).
❖ College tie (optional)
❖ Plain black leather belt with plain buckle.
❖ Shoes must be polishable, black leather with a protective sole and enclose the entire foot. Suede shoes and black joggers are not acceptable for safety reasons. Elevated shoes and platform heels are not a part of the school uniform. The sole should be no more than 2 cm high and the heel 3 cm. No buckle shoes or slip on shoes are permitted.
❖ Dark navy tights
❖ White or Grey socks with maroon stripe. (Grey socks with shorts and trousers/pants, white socks with dress and skirt)
❖ College bucket hat is to be worn in Terms I and 4.
❖ College beanie and scarf (optional in terms 2 and 3).

Physical Education Uniform
❖ Maroon polo sports shirt.
❖ Navy shorts with logo (female/unisex cut).
❖ Navy Track pants with logo.
❖ College rugby top.
❖ White sport socks with maroon stripe.
The Physical Education (PE) Uniform is worn only on days when PE is held (and some Pastoral Care days). Year 7 ,8 & 9 students may wear the PE Uniform all
day on PE days. Year 10 to 12 students may wear the PE uniform to school, if they have a class in lesson I, or from school, if they have a class in lesson 4. At all other times, students must only wear the PE uniform during Physical Education class time.

Year 12
Year 12 students will be provided with the option of purchasing a Year 12 Rugby Jumper. This is arranged through the school.

Personal Presentation
❖ Hair should be clean and neat; fashionable extremes are not permitted. Only natural, all-over hair colour or subtle highlights can be used to dye or highlight
hair. Beads, rats’ tails, locks, lines, and geometric shapes or words cut into the hair, and extreme variations in length e.g. cuts below a number 2 are not permitted.
❖ If hair is longer than the bottom of the collar, regardless of gender, all hair must be completely tied back with ribbon or elastic band.
❖ Make-up is to be skin toned and subtle.
❖ Coloured nail polish shall not be worn while in school uniform.
❖ Students should be clean shaven.

Permitted Accessories
❖ One watch and/or one fine bracelet.
❖ A maximum of two plain studs or sleepers per ear – no costume jewellery is permitted.
❖ Additional piercing or “taping over” is not permitted (including additional plastic studs).
❖ One fine neck chain, under clothing.

Not Permitted
❖ Chunky jewellery, rings or anklets.
❖ Eyebrow, nose, lip or other facial or tongue piercings.
❖ Spacers.
❖ Dark and excessive make-up.
❖ Acrylic, false nails or shellac.

The College encourages the wearing of hats while students are outside during the summer months (Terms I and 4). Sunscreen is available free of charge
to students.

Variations to the College Uniform are made at the discretion of the Principal. Students who do not comply with the uniform policy may be withdrawn from the school yard and/or sent home to acquire the necessary uniform. Any requests by parents or guardians for variation to the uniform and grooming are to be made directly to the relevant House Leader.

Uniform Poster (1)

Creating pathways for students in Year 10, 11 and 12

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Offering 24 Authority subjects and 19 Certificate courses.

St Mary MacKillop College is a Year 7 to 12 coeducational Catholic secondary school. Since its inception in 1985 the College has expanded and now caters for 550 students.

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JJAMM Leadership Conference

March 19, 2025

On Friday the 14th of February Koby, Bella and Mrs Wright travelled to Sydney for a JJAMM leadership conference. The conference started at St Mary MacKillop’s heritage centre which included galleries, memorial pieces, her final resting place and tomb. Having the experience to witness and stand where Mary Mackillop once stood was breathtaking. It was …

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