Pastoral Care is the integration of the academic, social and religious dimensions of a school’s energy so that the atmosphere of care prevails within the school community. Each person of the school community-administrators, parents, students and teachers- is invited to become more fully human. Pastoral care is developing empathetic relationships so that the people in the school community are nutured into wholesome maturity.

Pastoral care is an expression of the philosophy and vision of the school.

Kevin Treston
Pastoral Care for Schools

Pastoral Care: the Christian vision

I have come that you may have life and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the weak strong. I shall be a true shepherd to them. (Ezekiel 34:16)

As the Father loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love. (John 15:9)

Pastoral Care has as its focus the life of Jesus Christ. Pastoral Care in the Church draws its inspiration and strength from the life of Jesus Christ. In Jesus we see God’s paramount expression of love, compassion, reconciliation and justice. In Jesus we experience God as a caring shepherd who is faithful to the flock, who knows them intimately, who frees and saves.

In all aspects of human life, Jesus is at work, calling, forming and enabling us to be his people, a community of faith. This community welcomes individuals to new understandings of life, it nourishes and sustains life, and it empowers each one of us to respond to the Gospel call.

Jesus demonstrates by his own life what we have been created to be-fully human, fully alive and able to participate in the life and love of God. It is this vision of human life which the Catholic Church and its schools seek to embrace and emulate in approaches to pastoral care. As such, Pastoral Care is:

  • concerned with the dignity and integral growth of the person
  • the responsibility entrusted to all members of the faith community
  • a force for healing, reconciliation and liberation
  • an expression of and commitment to justice

“Pastoral Care permeates the total climate of relationships within the community of the Catholic School. It has the individual as its focus, and reflects the support, the encouragement, and the tender care shown and experienced in the ethos of gospel-based communities. With its life-giving focus, it should enable all to grow, to be affirmed in their dignity and worth as persons, to appreciate themselves and to develop skills in building personal relationships. It is a liberating experience of responsible self-discipline.

Pastoral Care incorporates and proclaims the dimensions of justice whereby the rights of all members are respected, with particular care being given to protect the lives of those members of the school community who, through lack of maturity and perhaps status, are less able to protect their own rights.

Pastoral Care is achieved or forfeited in the quality of relationships established in the school. In the school’s daily and routine life, the ways in which people interact with one another is a significant determinant of each person’s sense of self worth, belonging and well being.

In a community that provides a strong sense of well being, belonging and security, students ( and staff) are given every opportunity to be affirmed in their dignity and worth, confirmed in their personhood, and assisted to grow to their full potential.”

Taken from CECV Pastoral Care Document

House Leaders

Tenison: Luke Crow –
                   Jennifer Salvo –
Solomon: Jesse McDonald –
Woods: Joel Murphy –
Xavier: Jeremy Wood –


The role of the Director of Wellbeing is primarily one of support and guidance for students needing personal counselling and to assist the broader College community, coordinators, teachers and families, in their dealings with individuals at such times. It is furthermore assumed that the Director of Wellbeing be integral to the development of the College’s student welfare policies, Pastoral care program and to help inform curriculum development in matters relating to student welfare and personal development. The Director of Wellbeing works closely with Student Counsellors and the House Leaders, is a member of the Leadership Team and is directly responsible to the Principal.

Creating pathways for students in Year 10, 11 and 12

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Offering 24 Authority subjects and 19 Certificate courses.

St Mary MacKillop College is a Year 7 to 12 coeducational Catholic secondary school. Since its inception in 1985 the College has expanded and now caters for 500 students.

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2024 Murray River Culinary Challenge Grand Final!

September 9, 2024

Huge congratulations to Grace and Mawa who have just taken out the 2024 Murray River Culinary Challenge Grand Final! Included are photos of their stunning dishes, just to make you hungry! Entree was Maple Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Harissa Oil and Crispy Croutons. Main was Herb Crusted Lamb Rack with Olive Oil Mash, Buttered Spring …

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