What are the key enrolment dates for entry in Year 7 in 2025?

Enrolments open Wednesday 8th May 2024.

Grade 6 Transition Days will be held on Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th and Thursday 16th May 2024.

Open Day, Subject Expo and Year 7 Parent Information Sessions will run on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

School tours will run on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 between 2:30pm and 4:30pm. Please contact the Front Office, 5032 9771, to book a tour.

Enrolment applications are due to be returned on Tuesday 16th July 2024.

A second Transition Day will be held on Wednesday 31st July for all students that have applied for enrolment in Year 7 2025.

Enrolment Interviews with the Principal, Mrs Michelle Haeusler, will begin on Sunday 28th July 2024.

What is the application procedure?

An Enrolment Information Package will be sent to families on completion of an Expression of Interest form.

The completed application form must be accompanied with a copy of a Birth Certificate, latest school report and NAPLAN results.  If the applicant was born overseas, a copy of Permanent Residency documents or Visa is also required.

What are the criteria for enrolment?

The application process and enrolment criteria is in accordance with Catholic Education Ballarat (CEB) Enrolment Procedures and the St Mary MacKillop College Enrolment Policy.

The offer of enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal who will consider each case on its merits and exercise discretionary judgement for pastoral or other reasons.

Enrolment Policy

What if we are non-Catholic?

Students of other faith traditions are welcome to apply.

What is the enrolment process for entry at another year level?

Enrolments are accepted throughout the year. Please contact the school to request an enrolment pack.

Prospective parents and students will be invited for an interview with the Principal.  Offers are made following consultation with the Principal.

Further questions

For enrolment enquiries please contact the College Transition Coordinator, Mr Damien Hirst, on 03 5032 9771 or via email at dhirst@mackillopsh.vic.edu.au

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Offering 24 Authority subjects and 19 Certificate courses.

St Mary MacKillop College is a Year 7 to 12 coeducational Catholic secondary school. Since its inception in 1985 the College has expanded and now caters for 500 students.

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New Teachers

February 5, 2024

We are thrilled to offer a warm welcome to Jimmy and Fiona McGovern, and their three children James, Conor, and Sarah, to the St Mary MacKillop College Community. In the true spirit of Irish adventurers, Jimmy and Fiona have travelled from Portmarnock Community School, Dublin North, to join us. We hope that their time with …

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